Welcome To The Arramont Community Update For March
Construction at Arramont continues to progress, and we're pleased to share an update with you.
Montbeliard Rd Continuation
We're looking forward to the light signals at the intersection becoming fully operational. Council are working through the final commissioning phases and we expect completion in the coming weeks. We appreciate your patience during this time.
Montbeliard Rd - APA Gas Easement Landscaping Works
Landscaping along the southern section of the road is scheduled to commence end of April and will run for approximately 8-10 weeks.
Stage 7 Reserve
We are excited that the reserve is now available for the community to enjoy. Installation of the public lighting along Alicante Walk will be ongoing throughout April, with works zones fenced off, but please continue to exercise caution around this area.
Stage 13 & 14A
Kerb and channel works are now complete. Road pavement works will continue to progress over the next few weeks before public lighting and electrical cabling.
Stage 15, 16 & 20
Stage 15 engineering drawings have now been approved by Council, Stages 16 & 20 are also nearing approval. We will keep purchasers updated on timings for the commencement of early-stage works.
Stage 17, 18 & 19
Functional and detailed engineering designs continue progressing through the Council. Tender preparation and Contractor discussion will start in May, before Q3 works commencement.
Avignon St - Stage 13
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