Welcome To The Arramont Community Update For July
Construction continues, and we're pleased to share an update with you.
Montbeliard Road Continuation
The connection service order has now been accepted by Ausnet with their service provider to complete the connection in the coming 5-10 business days. We again thank the Arramont community for their patience during this time.
APA Gas Easement Landscaping Works - Montbeliard Road
Works are nearing completion on the southern section of Montbeliard Road with the central median set to be completed in the next 1-2 weeks.
Stage 7 Reserve
Public lighting works have been successfully completed. As we proceed with the electrical connections, please note that the area will be temporarily fenced off. We expect these works to be completed within the next two weeks. Following the completion of the connections, reinstatement works will commence. This will involve the replanting of trees and seeding of grassed areas to restore the surroundings.
Stages 13 & 14A
Road pavement works have progressed well, thanks to the favourable weather on site. Electrical and telecommunication reticulation are nearing completion, with the remaining concrete works scheduled for next week. Additionally, sewer and water testing have commenced, followed by topsoiling of nature strips and site cleanup.
Stages 15, 16 & 20
The bulk earthworks for Stages 15, 16, and 20 are currently in progress and are advancing smoothly, thanks to the favourable weather conditions. These works are well resourced with ample machinery to ensure this key component of the works is completed in a timely manner.
Stages 17, 18 & 19
Stage 18 detail design engineering re-submission has taken place and Stages 17 & 19 are progressing through Council review. Contractor tenders are now being received ahead of an anticipated Q3/Q4 works commencement.
Community News
The persistent problem of illegal rubbish dumping remains prevalent across the Whittlesea area. In response, the Arramont team is actively considering the installation of informative signage within the estate. These signs aim to provide guidance on how to report dumped rubbish, as well as address other forms of illegal activity.
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